Wednesday, February 18, 2009

...first update in over a year

Making a blog once a year is better than never at all.

Sorry, but unless something miraculous happens, and I get some major insipiration, then this blog will be shortly deleted.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

...some stuff

Happy New Year!

If you're reading this, you might notice that is the first post I've written for ... ooh, let's see ... fucking ages. Sorry, but I've been busy with work and other non-spanking stuff, and to be honest updating a blog hasn't been at the top of my agenda. I'll keep the blog "live", though, and will even update it periodically. I like to think it might keep someone amused for ten minutes during a period of boredom on their lunch break. If you like my blog, please post a comment. I go through phases: I might not update it for five months, and then I'll suddenly do three updates in as many days - so watch this space.

You actually have Emma Bishop to thank for this post. She emailed me a week or two ago to say that, following her brief sabbatical from the scene, her blog is now up and running again. It's worth a read, and there should be a link to it to the right of this page.

Oh! Before I forget ... there's a really nice spanking site I found the other day. Beautiful young women with nice big bums is the order of the day. There's a model on there called Katy Rose, who's just everything I adore in a woman in terms of looks and figure.

Monday, September 24, 2007

As an avid - sad? - digestor of spanking forums I have decided there is a whopping demand for videos and pictures of black women being spanked. However, there is very little supply. Let's pray that David Sullivan doesn't get wind of this gap in the market, or he'll be publishing Black-Bottom Beaters Monthly before Christmas.

Black girls being spanked makes sense, though. I don't say that in a politically-dreadful that's-probably-what-used-to-happen-to-the-bitches-anyway way. I wouldn't say that. I'm a reasonable guy. No, I mean it in a black-girls-have-beautiful-bottoms sort of way. Big, curvy buttocks, which many black girls are blessed with, make sense to appear in spanking videos. But there are so few. So, until the situation is rectified, here's one for the guys - a link to some pay-per-view videos of chubby-buttocked black ladies being dealt with. Get your tissues ready and enjoy, gang!

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Bands that mix music with comedy are generally crap, but here's an exception to the rule: Flight of the Conchords. They are superb, funny and strangely hypnotic.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Carmel Buttons #3

My friend Carmel Buttons, the oldest professional spankee in London, has written again:

"Hi Danny!

Hope you are fine and dandy!

I've seen your ad on the British Spanking site. Magician seeks glamorous assistant, eh? Nice angle for a personal - is that your attempt to "stand out from the crowd"? Just to remind you, young Mr Havoc: there are a thousand and nineteen losers, er, I mean spankers, to every one of us spankees, and so we expect you to do a hell of a lot more than pull doves from your sleeves in order to impress us. Paul Daniels was never a hit on the scene, you know?

Shame you missed our last party. Celebrity slappers was the order of the night, and Danni Pinkcheeks looked an absolute trout - sorry, treat - as Leslie Ash. Melinda Slapbott looked heavenly as Abi Titmuss. The 67 gents in attendance certainly had their work cut out afternoon, having the patience to wait to give one of the five girls a two-minute spanking. We socialised after the party, and us professional girlies did a splendid job of shirking those awkward questions from married middle-aged men like "Can I have your mobile number?" or "So, Summer, tell me what your real name is?"

Hope you make the next party, Danny.

Love and kisses,


x x x"

Monday, September 03, 2007

links galore...

As I sit at my PC sipping my Frijj chocolate milkshake, I thought I'd add a couple of new links so that people - and judging by the number of comments left that is not that many, IS IT? - who get bored of reading this can keep busy.

1. Amy Hunter's got a blog. According to the Northern Spanking website, she is the lovely Lucy McLean's sister, or half-sister, or something; and if memory serves me correctly there's another girl, called Sarah, on NS, who's also a sister of the aforementioned. Now who said spanking wasn't in the jeans...

2. SPKRBRYAN's blog is another I read today. Not appropriate for persons under 18 apparently. A recent post has pictures of someone being made to put a bar of soap in their mouth. Don't know whether that's just sheer kinkiness, or merely a shameless bit of product placement on behalf of Imperial Leather.

It appears from my last post or two that this blog is descending into little more than referrals to other blogs. Which means there's little on it about ME, but plenty of 'have you read this blog', 'and this one', 'and this'. Maybe 'Danny Havoc's Warblings' is like the M1 of the spanking blogs - or, perhaps more accurately, the A120something. Something you simply go on in order to link to something of more substance.

That's enough. I am putting the top back on the Frijj milkshake and I'm going for a jog.

Saturday, September 01, 2007


Sadly, Emma Bishop's no-longer writing her blog, so have removed her link. I wish her well. However, I've added a link to Niki Flynn's website, which is always worth a shufti (shufti, for those unfamiliar with the word, means 'look', not 'a vigorous masturbation session').

I mentioned in a previous post (written months and months ago) that there's an American wrestler called Danny Havoc. I chose my name independently, and later found out about my lycra-clad namesake. Anyway, the Google results for 'Danny Havoc' have this blog on the first page of the listings. Result! So, if you are reading this, confused, and wondering what the hell is going on, then please exit and go elsewhere. This blog's not for you. Go and find a clean, wholesome wrestling blog. (Besides, I'm sure he's a competent wrestler, but I bet he's no Giant Haystacks.)