Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I don't really know if I'm going to continue with this blog. I rarely get the time or urge to post. I don't expect many tears to be shed; it is not like I'm Mr Google saying he's had enough of his hugely-popular yet minimalist search engine. Let's face it, my posts are sporadic, and when I do post they're generally of the "Oh, shit, I need to update my blog" variety, nothing constructive or laugh-out-loud funny.

My original plan was to devise something of a satire of the spanking scene. But that has fallen painfully on its arse. Ironically, such a satire would only have appealed to those interested in spanking. So, it would have been like "Hey! Come and read a blog that's taking the piss out of good ol' you!" In other words, my plan was doomed from the beginning.

Besides, blogging, it appears to me, is the activity of teenagers and twenty-somethings. I am a 34-year-old man, not a kid; it's about time I acted my age and did something more constructive with my time. So, come back soon to read a blog about the history of the Rover car company.

Actually ... I haven't yet decided if I'm quitting this blog. I'll see how it goes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No please don't stop your blog, Danny! It has hardly begun, yet. And I believe you have it in you to be a really interestung writer. You don't have to write about spanking all the time. Write about what you like. And blogging is not just for teenagers (they have got MY SPACE).

7:22 AM  

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