Friday, September 01, 2006


My intention was to write a post about the Home Office's legislation on sexually violent pornography. However, this topic is presently being thrashed out on Internet forums throughout the spanking and BDSM world, and there's little I can say that won't have been said already. All I will say, though, is that the debate is largely academic: the new legislation does not appear to affect spanking or CP material. So we don't have to burn our Kane mags, or hammer a screwdriver through our hard-drives, just yet.

I was wondering why the Government introduced the legislation. Everything's done for a reason. Rarely is that reason for the good of the populace; usually the reason is to keep the system ticking over nicely. The new legislation is NOT going to reduce the number of violent crimes - surely no-one's stooopid enough to think that. And, like all new laws, it's going to cost money to enforce. So one can only assume that Labour have introduced it because it is a potential vote-winner.


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