Thursday, December 14, 2006


Well, winter's here, the days are short, Christmas is coming ... what else is there to do apart from update a blog?

This post is going to be all over the place.

Here goes...

The ITC (Imbeciles Talking Crap) message board goes from strength to strength. The most recent gem, which has quite rightly been deleted, was warning the professional spankees of Ipswich, of which I'm sure there are thousands, to be careful in light of the recent murders. And along with that it's business as usual for the world's worst spanking site: the petty bickering; the small-mindedness; the bare-faced mysogyny. If this is a reflection of the people who enjoy spanking, then it's a pretty depressing one. No wonder there are so many posts on that site from frustrated men moaning about not being able to get a spanking partner, and about having to pay, and about how professional girls take advantage of their social ineptitude, and about how cruel the world is, blah, blah, blah.

* * *

Homosexual people are supposed to be blessed with "gaydar" - an innate ability to tell, very quickly, whether someone is gay or not. One of my friends is a gay. (And, yes, I wrote "a gay" ironically and with self-awareness, and with a nod towards the Little Britain sketch; my friend wouldn't take umbrage.) Anyway, my friend, the one who is a gay, is pretty good with his gaydar, and I've sometimes wondered whether spanking people have a similar sixth sense. I must confess to sometimes looking at a woman and thinking "I bet she'd let me slap her bottom". These women I look at, inevitably, have pretty faces and big bottoms, and so maybe I'm thinking "I hope she'll let me slap her bottom". I'm pleased to report there have been times in the past when I have been right...

* * *

So, after all the time and money that's been wasted it has now been ascerted that - shock, horror, gasp! - Princess Diana's death was an accident. Oh dear - the Daily Mail is going to have to find something else to write about when it's short of a headline.

* * *

According to a prediction by analysts, the blogging phenomenon is set to peak next year. The number of blogs will level out at 100 million. Around 57% of blogs are active - a blog is classed as "active" if it is updated at least once every three months. Come back tomorrow for some more extraordinarily boring facts...


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